Why test for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections?

Sexuality and love are important areas of our life. As in all areas of life, there is the possibility of infection with pathogens. In order to avoid infection, they can also protect themselves. We will be happy to inform you about this.

HIV infection today is a chronic infection. People with HIV can live well, work and grow old thanks to drug therapy. If there is a possibility of infection with HIV or another sexually transmitted infection or sexually transmitted disease (STI), only a test can provide clarity.

HIV infection can go on for years without symptoms. Without a test, the infection cannot be detected and is not treated. Often it is only diagnosed when the immune system is already severely weakened by the virus and symptoms appear. The signs of syphilis (syphilis) or signs of other sexually transmitted infections can also remain undetected.

A test provides clarity! check•it

Further test offers of the region

Aids-Hilfe Bonn e.V.

AIDS Initiative Bonn e.V.

Gesundheitsamt der Bundesstadt Bonn

  • 0228.77 25 67