There are many good services for people with HIV in Germany. They range from counseling at an AIDS service organization to self-help groups, from conferences to political activities. (see Meeting Point) No matter what questions you are currently facing, you needn't deal with them alone. You can always find support!

Social security

The same applies here: don't panic! Statutory health, pension and nursing care insurance are not affected in any way by your HIV status. Health insurance funds cover the costs of HIV medications.

However, people who have tested positive for HIV are unable to take out some private insurance policies. That includes occupational disability insurance and, often, life insurance. HIV-positive people can only access the base-rate policy with private health insurance companies.

Nonetheless, it is possible to insure yourself financially. Some insurance companies are beginning to understand that HIV no longer leads to an early death. They examine cases individually when it comes to life insurance, rather than having a blanket ban for HIV-positive people.

Only experts have a comprehensive grasp of this complicated topic. We recommend you seek advice at an AIDS service organization soon, so that you can arrange the best possible insurance for yourself.

You can find extensive information about insurance here.


It may be difficult for you to deal with your positive test result alone. Or you may want to learn more about HIV and share experiences with other HIV-positive people. For this reason, many towns and cities have self-help groups, discussion groups, sport and leisure activities and information sessions on a range of medical topics specially designed for people with HIV. Some cities also have groups for young people with HIV.

AIDS service organizations also offer regular positive get-togethers, where you can spend a few days with other HIV-positive people in a pleasant atmosphere.

Self-help activities give you the chance to make new friends and to benefit from the knowledge and experience of others. You can find an overview of the self-help groups here.

Local AIDS service organizations

AIDS service organizations  (in German: Aidshilfe) exist in all cities and large towns and many smaller towns as well. They offer information about all aspects of HIV infection and you can receive personal counseling here.

If you are having trouble coming to terms with your infection, the experienced counselors will support you. AIDS service organizations are also happy to help you find a doctor, a self-help group or leisure activities in your town or region.

You can find an overview of all the AIDS service organizations in Germany here. The local, on-site services of the AIDS service organizations are complemented by telephone counseling and online counseling.